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Directed Verdict - Unlawful Detainer
In August 2024, Maximilian Lee and his co-counsel Quinn Mayberry obtained a directed verdict in favor of their tenant client. In this case, the landlord attempted to evict the tenant on the grounds that the tenant was a tenant-at-will, essentially a guest, even though the tenant had paid rent for decades.
$276k Verdict - Bicycle versus Car Collision
In August 2024, Maximilian Lee and Judith Camilleri obtained a $276,283.50 jury verdict in favor of their client on a claim of personal injuries when their client collided with the back of a car that cut them off in Rosales v. Hudec.
$1.66 million Verdict - Dangerous Condition on Public Property
In October 2023, Maximilian Lee and his co-counsel Ryan Cooper and Clark Fielding obtained a $1,660,000 jury verdict in favor of their client on a claim of personal injuries due to a dangerous condition on public property in Welch v. City of Los Angeles.
Successful Appeal - Arbitration Agreement found Unenforceable
In August 2023, based on the Respondent's Brief submitted by Maximilian Lee and his co-counsel Mohamed Eldessouky in Ortiz v. Nellson Nutraceutical LLC, the California Court of Appeal affirmed the trial court's ruling that an employment arbitration agreement was unenforceable because the employer failed to sign the agreement.
Successful Appeal - Removal from Arbitration
In July 2023, based on the Respondent's Brief submitted by Maximilian Lee and his co-counsel Mohamed Eldessouky in Roman v. Pacific Beach House, LLC, the California Court of Appeal affirmed the trial court's ruling that allowed the plaintiff remove his employment claim from arbitration through Code of Civil Procedure section 1281.97.
$31 million Verdict - Automobile Collision resulting in Wrongful Death
In May 2023, Maximilian Lee and his co-counsel Mike Montgomery obtained a $31,000,000 verdict in favor of their clients on their claims of the wrongful death of their daughter caused by a drunk driver in Chambers v. Massie.
$700k+ Verdict - Age Discrimination Failure to Promote
In May 2023, Maximilian Lee and his co-counsel Jennifer Ghozland obtained a $418,000 jury verdict in favor of their client on her age discrimination claim based on her employer's failure to promote her and failure to prevent discrimination complaint in Elkins v. Automatic Data Processing, Inc. With the addition of attorney's fees and costs, the judgment exceeds $700,000.
$86k+ Judgment - Wage and Hour
In August 2022, Maximilian Lee and his co-counsel Michael Jaurigue obtained a verdict in favor of their clients for wage and hour violations by their former employer as a result of defendant's violations of the California Labor Code in Akbari, et al. v. JMS Air Conditioning & Appliance Service, Inc. The total judgment for their clients exceeds $86,000.
Successful Appeal - Premises Liability
In May 2022, Maximilian Lee and his co-counsel Ara Saroian successfully appealed a trial court's grant of summary judgment against a person who suffered injuries due to a slip and fall incident in Dominguez v. Costco Wholesale Corporation.
$206k+ Judgment - Wage and Hour
In January 2021, Maximilian Lee and his co-counsel Justin Toobi obtained a judgment for their client for wage and hour violations committed by his former employer as a result of the defendant's improper misclassification of their client as an independent contractor in Alcaraz v. (213) Collision Repairs Center, Inc., et al. The total judgment for his client exceeds $206,000.
$85k Judgment - Wrongful Termination & Wage and Hour
In January 2019, Maximilian Lee and his co-counsel Justin Toobi obtained an $85,000 judgment for their client when the defendants agreed to have judgment on wrongful termination & wage and hour claims entered against them in that amount prior to trial in Cervantes v. Pak Family Corporation.
$130k+ Judgment - Quantum Meruit
In November 2018, Maximilian Lee obtained a verdict for his client based on a quantum meruit claim relating to real property in Lucien v. Ransom. The total judgment for their client exceeded $130,000.
$540k+ Judgment - Disability Discrimination
In September 2018, Darryl Lucien as lead attorney and Maximilian Lee as his second chair obtained a jury verdict in their client's favor for proving disability discrimination and failure to prevent discrimination in Herron v. County of Los Angeles. The total judgment for their client is worth more than $540,000.
$300k+ Judgment - Financial Abuse of an Elder
In October 2017, Maximilian Lee obtained a jury verdict for compensatory damages and punitive damages for his client in Tsao v. Corpuz. His client was the victim of a loan shark who charged 72% interest on a $25,000 loan. Max successfully proved claims for Financial Abuse of an Elder and Usury for charging more than 10% interest on a loan. The total judgment for his client is worth more than $300k.
Inner City Law Pro Bono Highlight
The Inner City Law Center recognized Maximilian Lee in October 2024 for his recent pro bono work in helping to prevent a disabled veteran from losing his home of 28 years. Max took the case to trial and obtained a directed verdict in favor of the client.
SFTLA Webinar: Tips for Solos & Small Firms
Max spoke on a panel with Pete Clancy and Brett Sachs for a May 2023 webinar hosted by the San Francisco Trial Lawyers Association. They discussed tips for starting a new firm and using technology to level the playing field.
Going Solo Early - Podcast
Max appeared on The Justice Team Podcast with Brad Simon, Alexis Gamliel, and Steve Rosen on Going Solo Early, posted in April 2021:
Distinguished Solo Practitioner Award (LGBTQ Center Long Beach)
The LGBTQ Center Long Beach's Legal Services Department recognized Maximilian Lee in December 2020 for exceptional volunteer efforts and comprehensive legal assistance. In particular, Max played an instrumental role in supporting the Center's pivot towards virtual legal assistance by presenting a Covid-19 Know Your Rights housing and employment webinar for community members.
Molina Healthcare Community Champions Award
Molina Healthcare of California recognized Maximilian Lee in October 2020 for his years of pro bono service and contributions to clients of The LGBTQ Center Long Beach. He received flowers, a trophy, and a $5,000 grant, which was donated to The Center to help its pro bono law clinic.
Directed Verdict - Unlawful Detainer
In August 2024, Maximilian Lee and his co-counsel Quinn Mayberry obtained a directed verdict in favor of their tenant client. In this case, the landlord attempted to evict the tenant on the grounds that the tenant was a tenant-at-will, essentially a guest, even though the tenant had paid rent for decades.
$276k Verdict - Bicycle versus Car Collision
In August 2024, Maximilian Lee and Judith Camilleri obtained a $276,283.50 jury verdict in favor of their client on a claim of personal injuries when their client collided with the back of a car that cut them off in Rosales v. Hudec.
$1.66 million Verdict - Dangerous Condition on Public Property
In October 2023, Maximilian Lee and his co-counsel Ryan Cooper and Clark Fielding obtained a $1,660,000 jury verdict in favor of their client on a claim of personal injuries due to a dangerous condition on public property in Welch v. City of Los Angeles.
Successful Appeal - Arbitration Agreement found Unenforceable
In August 2023, based on the Respondent's Brief submitted by Maximilian Lee and his co-counsel Mohamed Eldessouky in Ortiz v. Nellson Nutraceutical LLC, the California Court of Appeal affirmed the trial court's ruling that an employment arbitration agreement was unenforceable because the employer failed to sign the agreement.
Successful Appeal - Removal from Arbitration
In July 2023, based on the Respondent's Brief submitted by Maximilian Lee and his co-counsel Mohamed Eldessouky in Roman v. Pacific Beach House, LLC, the California Court of Appeal affirmed the trial court's ruling that allowed the plaintiff remove his employment claim from arbitration through Code of Civil Procedure section 1281.97.
$31 million Verdict - Automobile Collision resulting in Wrongful Death
In May 2023, Maximilian Lee and his co-counsel Mike Montgomery obtained a $31,000,000 verdict in favor of their clients on their claims of the wrongful death of their daughter caused by a drunk driver in Chambers v. Massie.
$700k+ Verdict - Age Discrimination Failure to Promote
In May 2023, Maximilian Lee and his co-counsel Jennifer Ghozland obtained a $418,000 jury verdict in favor of their client on her age discrimination claim based on her employer's failure to promote her and failure to prevent discrimination complaint in Elkins v. Automatic Data Processing, Inc. With the addition of attorney's fees and costs, the judgment exceeds $700,000.
$86k+ Judgment - Wage and Hour
In August 2022, Maximilian Lee and his co-counsel Michael Jaurigue obtained a verdict in favor of their clients for wage and hour violations by their former employer as a result of defendant's violations of the California Labor Code in Akbari, et al. v. JMS Air Conditioning & Appliance Service, Inc. The total judgment for their clients exceeds $86,000.
Successful Appeal - Premises Liability
In May 2022, Maximilian Lee and his co-counsel Ara Saroian successfully appealed a trial court's grant of summary judgment against a person who suffered injuries due to a slip and fall incident in Dominguez v. Costco Wholesale Corporation.
$206k+ Judgment - Wage and Hour
In January 2021, Maximilian Lee and his co-counsel Justin Toobi obtained a judgment for their client for wage and hour violations committed by his former employer as a result of the defendant's improper misclassification of their client as an independent contractor in Alcaraz v. (213) Collision Repairs Center, Inc., et al. The total judgment for his client exceeds $206,000.
$85k Judgment - Wrongful Termination & Wage and Hour
In January 2019, Maximilian Lee and his co-counsel Justin Toobi obtained an $85,000 judgment for their client when the defendants agreed to have judgment on wrongful termination & wage and hour claims entered against them in that amount prior to trial in Cervantes v. Pak Family Corporation.
$130k+ Judgment - Quantum Meruit
In November 2018, Maximilian Lee obtained a verdict for his client based on a quantum meruit claim relating to real property in Lucien v. Ransom. The total judgment for their client exceeded $130,000.
$540k+ Judgment - Disability Discrimination
In September 2018, Darryl Lucien as lead attorney and Maximilian Lee as his second chair obtained a jury verdict in their client's favor for proving disability discrimination and failure to prevent discrimination in Herron v. County of Los Angeles. The total judgment for their client is worth more than $540,000.
$300k+ Judgment - Financial Abuse of an Elder
In October 2017, Maximilian Lee obtained a jury verdict for compensatory damages and punitive damages for his client in Tsao v. Corpuz. His client was the victim of a loan shark who charged 72% interest on a $25,000 loan. Max successfully proved claims for Financial Abuse of an Elder and Usury for charging more than 10% interest on a loan. The total judgment for his client is worth more than $300k.
Inner City Law Pro Bono Highlight
The Inner City Law Center recognized Maximilian Lee in October 2024 for his recent pro bono work in helping to prevent a disabled veteran from losing his home of 28 years. Max took the case to trial and obtained a directed verdict in favor of the client.
SFTLA Webinar: Tips for Solos & Small Firms
Max spoke on a panel with Pete Clancy and Brett Sachs for a May 2023 webinar hosted by the San Francisco Trial Lawyers Association. They discussed tips for starting a new firm and using technology to level the playing field.
Going Solo Early - Podcast
Max appeared on The Justice Team Podcast with Brad Simon, Alexis Gamliel, and Steve Rosen on Going Solo Early, posted in April 2021:
Distinguished Solo Practitioner Award (LGBTQ Center Long Beach)
The LGBTQ Center Long Beach's Legal Services Department recognized Maximilian Lee in December 2020 for exceptional volunteer efforts and comprehensive legal assistance. In particular, Max played an instrumental role in supporting the Center's pivot towards virtual legal assistance by presenting a Covid-19 Know Your Rights housing and employment webinar for community members.
Molina Healthcare Community Champions Award
Molina Healthcare of California recognized Maximilian Lee in October 2020 for his years of pro bono service and contributions to clients of The LGBTQ Center Long Beach. He received flowers, a trophy, and a $5,000 grant, which was donated to The Center to help its pro bono law clinic.
Disclaimer: Please note that these results do not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding the outcome of your legal matter.